Theatre Play
Show Title: Leave the Therapy Take the Cannoli. Written by : Luigi Buffone and Natalie Darbyson.. Produced and Directed : Luigi Buffone Starring: Sam Asmar, Martine Bouchard, Anna Capobianco, Alan Heillig, David Levy, Ian Keiller. Sal brings his Italian Family to Family therapy. Is this a good solution? A warm-hearted comedy about love, family and cannoli.
Theatre Play
Mark is a music technician for a video gaming company. He calls a young computer technician Alex to come and fix a case sensitive issue on Marks computer. As they wait for this long process to be resolved Mark and Alex try to find meaning in there life by challenging each different generations they both grew up in.
Short Film
Maria has been living in Canada for five years but now she is ready to become a Canadian Citizen. She is told by a relative that the process is easy. But she soon finds out that it isn't and struggles to desperately became a Canadian Citizen.